Hi everyone! My name is Michel Verhoeven, or as most of you know also known as: The Babytank. I’m the creator of this new platform and am looking forward to share, connect and interact with all of you! I had to think of how long I’m training Jiu-Jitsu, but I started in 1999 so thats about 24 (OMG) years! I’ve done my fair share of competition, travelled Europe to train and teach, visited the USA several times to train and I still love this game!
In my ‘ normal life’ I like to focus on my other passion Bodybuilding, my girlfriend Leonie, my cat Rambo and my love for cars (not per se in that order haha). Feel free to connect with me on our Social platform, since I will be sharing more personal day to day stuff there as well!
I hope you are all as curious about this platform as I am, let your thoughts and ideas flow like your Jiu-Jitsu in the Furms and Socials!